
How To Repair A Leaking Lawn Mower Gas Tank

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The plastic tank on a lawnmower is a sufficiently sturdy and reliable piece. It can handle years of use and work for much more than fourth dimension than you look. Simply fifty-fifty then, it can still crack, split or break.

That'due south why it is essential to know how to fix a lawn mower gas tank. When the time comes for the gas tank to be repaired, you lot'll know how to tackle the issue.

Because the plastic tank of a mower is usually fabricated of polyethylene, it is non the hardest thing to fix. And with a proper repair, you may stop up fixing information technology permanently.

Want to know how it'south done? And so take a expect below.

Stride-by-Step Guide: How to Ready a Plastic Gas Tank on Lawn Mower

The procedure of repairing a plastic gas tank can be somewhat confusing at showtime. Merely if y'all follow our advice and every step in this guide to the letter, then it shouldn't be much of a problem.

Below, you'll discover everything there'southward to know virtually fixing the plastic tank from your lawnmower .

Things to Consider

While the process of fixing the gas tank may experience similar a huge endeavor, information technology's not. Yous merely demand to be prepared for it. That's why you should consider these tips:

  • The repair procedure may take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 60 minutes or a little more.
  • Time is of the essence when it comes to fixing the tank. As you'll exist using epoxy, you lot'll need to act rapidly to forbid the plastic from drying upwards mid-performance.
  • You'll be using epoxy to repair the tank. This adhesive may melt into the plastic as yous're working with it. Don't worry when this happens, it'southward typical.
  • This fix should be permanent unless you make a error. So be careful and pay attention to the job at paw.

Did you internalize these things? Then you're ready to start fixing the tank.

Items You'll Need

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Utility Knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Metal Spatula
  • Plastic agglutinative (Epoxy)
  • Plastic or Fiberglass Patch
  • Work gloves
  • Brush (Optional)
  • Rag (Optional)

Equally you can run across, you don't need many tools. Simply you will still need to spend a few bucks on the epoxy and the fiberglass patch if you don't have any.

Once yous've gathered these items, and then you tin proceed to repair the tank. Follow these steps:

ane. Remove the Tank

lawn mower gas tank

Offset by getting the tank off the mower. This will aid you prevent any damage to the mower and allow you to piece of work comfortably.

  • Put on your work gloves earlier doing annihilation else. Then proceed to place the mower in a flat surface area where y'all tin can work comfortably.
  • If there's a hole in the tank, be careful non to spill too much gas effectually. You may demand to drain all the gas beforehand.
  • Now look for the screws and hooks that connect the tank to the mower. Proceed to set them all off so yous can remove the plastic piece.
  • Get the fuel hose clamps out, the hooks that continue information technology attached to the engine, and the screws. Then it should be ready to take off the mower.

After removing the tank, yous will need to set information technology for a safe and comfortable ready.

2. Clean the Tank

lawn mower gas tank

Because you lot'll be using heat on a plastic slice that contains gas, you'll desire it to be as safe every bit possible. For that, prepare it following these tips:

  • If you drained the tank already, at that place's no need to do information technology again. But however, you should bank check for any residual gas inside and get information technology out.
  • Because you'll be applying epoxy, y'all want information technology to be equally clean as possible . So yous need to get rid of grease, wax, clay, droppings, and any other contaminant inside the plastic tank. You can use water for this. Get rid of anything inside the tank.
  • Apart from the interior of the tank, nosotros strongly recommend cleaning the exterior too. Practice this by dampening a rag and rubbing it all around. Besides, you lot tin can use a brush with some soap as well.
  • Let the tank dry off for a few minutes. Accelerate the procedure by wiping information technology off with a dry towel.

Afterward preparing the tank, you're gear up to start the fixing procedure.

iii. Prepare the Area to Fix

You should proceed to cut whatever rough spot or plastic backlog on the affected area. Then, you'll need to sand it.

  • Use the utility knife to cut whatsoever plastic excess. You can heat up the knife with a oestrus gun to make the cutting easier.
  • One time you've cutting out any plastic backlog, yous can sand the whole expanse. Use the sandpaper for this. This should take a couple of minutes.
  • The focus is to get out a rough surface area and so the adhesive sticks to the plastic more quickly. Besides, plastic strips that stay hanging may affect the effectiveness of the repair – then y'all must cut them down.

By at present, the area should be ready to kickoff the fixing process.

four. Cut the Fiberglass/Plastic Patch

With the area to set up clean and roughed upward, information technology is now time to measure and prepare the patch you're going to use to repair the tank. Follow these tips:

  • Grab the fiberglass or plastic patch and compare information technology to the surface area yous want to fix. The patch should be at to the lowest degree one and a half times larger.
  • If the patch is too large for the area, then cut it down in a fashion that it overlaps the whole afflicted area.
  • Take your fourth dimension trimming the patch. Be certain it is a perfect size and shape. Besides, exist sure it is larger than the affected area, or it won't work.

At present that you have the patch ready, it is time to offset

five. Prepare the Adhesive

lawn mower gas tank

For the patch to fix the plastic, you need to apply an agglutinative. But showtime, you need to prepare it:

  • Recollect to follow the instructions of the epoxy before starting. This fashion, you lot'll avoid making a mistake. Remember, you're fixing a gas tank, then y'all'll want to do it properly.
  • Near plastic epoxies come with a ii-part mix. Yous will accept to blend these two parts together to create the adhesive substance. Use the added mixer/stick for this.

Once the agglutinative is fix, you lot should hurry up to apply it.

6. Use the Adhesive & Patch

For the plastic/fiberglass patch to stick to the plastic, it is vital to utilise the agglutinative kickoff. Here's how:

  • Embrace the entire afflicted area with the adhesive. Remember to employ the metal spatula for this, plastic spatulas may melt in the process.
  • It is vital to cover non only the damaged surface area but as well its surroundings. Only don't use the whole adhesive mix, leave some for the exterior.
  • After applying the agglutinative, you tin proceed to place the patch on the afflicted expanse. Use your hands for this, but try non to get the adhesive on your hands.
  • Press the patch firmly into the affected expanse with the adhesive. Be sure it fits tightly, and so information technology doesn't come up off afterward.
  • Finish by covering the whole patch and the rest of the afflicted area with the remaining adhesive. It should cover the borders of the patch, at least.

Now you've successfully applied the patch on the plastic tank. It is fourth dimension to let it dry out upward.

7. Let It Cool & Inspect

After applying the patch and the adhesive, the affected area should exist covered. You lot will need to let the tank absurd down for a few hours.

  • You will have to leave the tank to rest for at least 3 hours while it dries up. While waiting, search for any surface area on the patch that looks too thin or weak.
  •  If necessary, you may demand to employ a picayune more agglutinative. The epoxy will add an extra layer of protection to the whole area.
  • In one case the adhesive cools down, bank check once last fourth dimension in search of any weak or thin area. If in that location's none, then the tank is stock-still.

Still, we recommend testing it before calling it done.

8. Test the Tank

lawn mower gas tank

Later letting the tank sit for a while with the adhesive and patch fix – and then you should test it out. Here's how:

  • No need to identify the tank on the mower to exam it. You tin proceed past filling it up with h2o entirely and see whether it leaks.
  • Call up to close the openings on the bottom and/or sides while filling information technology. Check that there are no leaks.
  • If the tank fills completely and at that place's no leak to worry about (particularly from the repaired expanse), then you've successfully fixed your lawnmower plastic tank.

You can at present proceed to mount it on your mower, fill it up with gas, and start the mower to run into how information technology works.

This set should be permanent, so you're ready to savor the mower for a long fourth dimension with a repaired tank.

Fix the Plastic Gas Tank on Lawn Mower Now!

Now that you've reached this far into this guide, then yous should be ready to fix whatever cleaved, cracked, or dissever backyard mower gas tank.

If y'all follow each step and recommendation to the letter of the alphabet, so yous should practise it seamlessly and rapidly. And so don't hesitate and starting time fixing that gas tank now. Your backyard is waiting!


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